Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Chapter 1.5

Christian had been shocked when Hal had walked into the delivery room. It'd been so long since she had seen him she was certain he was done with her. Seeing him she wasn't sure what she felt. There was still love there sure but she was also so hurt. She looked back at him as she pushed their new son Jonah toward the cab wondering if he was going to stay this time.

When they arrived at her house she was shocked when he scooped Jonah out of her arms and headed into the house. Not wanting to ruin the rare moment she headed to her room to change into her Pajamas.

After putting Jonah in the crib Newton crawled over and pulled on Hal's pant leg. He smiled and scooped the little guy up and swung him over his head causing Newton to giggle.

When Christian emerged from her room she couldn't believe what she saw. Not only had Hal stuck around but he was teaching Newton to walk! She wondered what exactly had caused this sudden change in his interest but she was glad for her son.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around." He told her offering her a large bouquet. "Can we start over?" She eyed the flowers cautiously. Where had he been all this time? Why now? Part of her just wanted to tell him to take a hike but then she thought of her boys. They deserved for her to at least try to work things out. So she took the flowers offered and smiled warily.
"Ok." She said softly.


Over the next few days things went well for the pair. They even went to a costume party together though they never made it past the front porch. And while they still spent most of their time at Hal's he was spending time with the boys as well.

Spencer didn't have as much fun at the party. He'd finally found out that Hannah was married and he was less than thrilled. He headed straight home without even confronting her. It was more fun to spend time with his nephew anyway. He'd start over online tomorrow, he was sure there was a nice single girl out there for him.

A few days after Jonah's birth they were finally able to afford a room for the boys. It was small and they couldn't afford any toys yet but it was a start. Newton seemed pleased with his new surroundings. Things were starting to look up!



Another short chapter! Sorry its a bit choppy. I'm officially caught up to my game though! Yay! Oh in case you think Hal is a changed man.... hes not.

Just after the party  I got a notification he was hitting it off with this sim (cant remember her name) so I clicked and found him flirting with her. She was not happy and started yelling at him then he ran from her like this. LOL Worry not Christian will see him for what he is soon enough...  Thanks for reading!! =)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Chapter 1.4

Christian was instantly in love with her son. Newton was a great baby hardly ever crying and always smiling when his mom picked him up.

As promised Spencer was there to help any time Christian needed to go out. He loved being able spend time with his nephew.

Christian had finally managed to catch some insects. These butterflies were the first she'd seen in all her collecting so she quickly scooped them up. She also came along tons of gems for her now growing collection. Spencer was always begging her to sell them but she couldn't bring herself to part with the shiny rocks.

Though maybe she should have taken his advice since the repo man showed up and took off with her bedroom decor. They were having a hard time keeping up with the bills these days but still she wouldn't part with her treasures.

The nightly invitations from Hal kept coming and despite the fact that he hadn't spent any time with his son Christian always accepted his invites.

He was always sweet and attentive. She was certain that one day he would come to his senses and propose.

When she found herself pregnant once again she was sure this was it. This would be the thing that would snap him to his senses.

She loaded Newton into his stroller and headed over to Hal's. As soon as he let them in she blurted out her news. Her confidence shattered when he simply regarded the news with a nervous smile. It was clear things weren't going to change anytime soon.


Over the next days Christian avoided Hal and his calls. She wasn't sure if she was ready to let him go but she was also certain commitment wasn't anywhere on his mind. She wanted to be married someday! So she threw herself into taking care of her son and searching for more treasures. She even opted for eating at the bistro alone something she'd normally call Hal to join her for. 

After the bistro she headed to the library to re-read the pregnancy book she'd read with Newton. A nice man came up and introduce himself. His name was Don Lothario and Christian couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. The pair talked for a while, finding they had a lot in common before he excused himself and she returned to her book. Maybe she could move on she thought to herself realizing it had been a thrill to talk to someone new.

Spencer and Hanna were having a lovely afternoon as well. Water balloon fights in the rain were so much fun. Even though things still hadn't heated up with the two he was falling for her quickly.

 All too soon it was Newtons birthday. Christian wasn't sure where the time had gone but here it was time for him to be a toddler! She'd broken her silence and invited Hal but he told her he had to work. She of course didn't believe him as he'd never shown interest in their son.

Newton grew into an adorable toddler. He instantly took a liking to the doll some distant relative had sent for him.

Now that he was old enough Spencer bought a potty chair and began potty training Newton.

 With little time before the new baby arrived Christian was happy to find a large space rock. Spencer would be pleased too since she didn't add space rocks to her collection. She was too worried it would attract aliens. Spencer thought that was ridiculous but since it meant simoleons he didn't argue.

 After stepping out of the shower Christian went into labor.

On her way in she passed a woman who looked at her sadly. Confused Christian brushed it off and walked into the hospital. 

Hal watched the sad woman walk away with a nervous glare. He hoped Christian hadn't noticed her.



Another meh chapter but I'm getting close to where I'm at in game. Shirley really did get sad after seeing Christian though I'm not sure why since her and Hal aren't together and she's married to another dude. It's funny that Don came up to Christian in the library because he had an affair with Shirley as well! Worry not Christian wont be going after Don I'm not mean enough to send her after another sim with commitment issues. Thanks for reading! =)

Friday, May 18, 2018

Chapter 1.3

As can be expected the many nights at Hals could only lead to one thing....

Christian was of course delighted to realize she'd be having a little one. Maybe Hal would even propose! Oh how great that would be they'd be a little family!

That hope was dashed when she told him and he simply stared at her stomach for a long minute before giving her a thumbs up and returning to preparing his salad. She was sure he was just shocked and soon he'd be on his knee.

Wanting to be prepared for the new arrival she headed off to the library to read a pregnancy book. She felt much more prepared once she finished it and decided it was time to tell Spencer.

Spencer was much more excited, although a little worried. He assured her he'd be there to help every step of the way and couldn't wait to meet his new niece or nephew!

He stayed up late that night hacking away managing to get 200 simoleons for his effort. They now had enough to afford a crib. Though they wouldn't be able to build another room yet and the baby would have to be in the living room at least they'd have a bed.

Somewhere across town trouble was brewing unknown to Christian. Hal it seemed had taken a liking to town floozy Shirley Lin. The two made no attempts to hide their shameless flirting. Though it being the middle of the night there really wasn't anyone to see them.

Spencer was getting lucky on the love front as well. He'd struck up a flirtation with Hannah Jones. Though what he didn't know was that she was actually married. Not that it was his fault since she had shown up and started flirting with him.

Even though he showed no interest in the pregnancy Hal still invited Christian over almost every night. One night in particular he asked her to slow dance and even dipped her despite her being heavily pregnant.

That very night she went into labor in his kitchen! He proved to be no help standing in the middle of the room screaming. She was forced to call a cab and take herself to the hospital.

 He did eventually she up and even accompanied her and their new son Newton home. Though he left pretty quickly and didn't even hold the baby. Christian however was too exhausted to notice and fell right into bed.



When I got the notification that Hal and Shirley were getting romantic I tracked them down and even attempted to get Christian there to catch them. Unfortunately by the time she got there Shirley had taken off! So Hal lives to see another day lol. Hannah really did just come over and start flirting with Spencer... she does this a lot actually. They haven't done much other than flirt and hang out however. Poor Spencer is being mostly neglected since I have to direct Christian around town to find collectibles and he can only hack at night so he mostly sleeps all day. The is if he's not on baby duty! Newton is a toddler in game and he's a little cutie though he looks a lot like his dad. I'm not sure if he will be the heir yet. Anyway thanks for reading! Sorry its another short one. They'll get longer once I catch up. =)

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Chapter 1.2

The next morning Christian made herself a nice big plate of waffles. After she was finished she received a phone call from Hal inviting her over to his house. She quickly accepted not even taking the time to wash her dish before skipping out the door.

Hal lived in a large home at the edge of town. Christian was quite impressed by the outside. 

Though the inside was less impressive it didn't deter her from her mission. She immediately started flirting. Hal once again was very receptive flirting right back.

This time when she went for a kiss it was well received. Somewhere in the back of her mind she wondered if there was a reason he'd rejected her before but she chose to ignore it.

Soon the two were making out in his kitchen. After a few minutes he leaned in and asked if she'd like to take it to the bedroom. Though she knew she shouldn't, after all they barely knew each other she agreed anyway.

 The rendezvous was quicker then she'd have liked but she was happy all the same. She'd found love after all. He invited her to stay the night and she happily accepted.

She was disappointed however when she woke up alone the next morning. Feeling awkward about being alone in his house she quickly dressed and set out to collect some treasures.

Her brother hadn't noticed her absence as he'd been up hacking all night earning 100 simoleons for his efforts. It wasn't much but it was progress. He also joined an online dating site hoping to meet a nice girl.

Also in the interest of landing a girlfriend he decided to work on his fitness.

Most of Christians nights were spent at Hals. On one particular night she met his partner George Dean and had a Foosball match while Hal grilled them all some hot dogs.

As usual she ended up waking up alone. She told herself it was because of his job but that nagging voice in the back of her mind kept telling her she was being used. As always she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and carried on with her day.



Christian took quite the liking to Hal she is always rolling wishes to flirt or date him. He seems to like her too since he invites her over every night, though its interesting that its never for a date. These first few chapters will be short until I get in my groove. This roll is pretty boring to write about because the only way to make money is to run around collecting or hacking which isn't very interesting to write about but next gen has a conventional career so I'm hoping it'll be much more lively. Also I will be posting daily until I catch up to where I am in game. Thanks for reading =)

Chapter 1.5

Christian had been shocked when Hal had walked into the delivery room. It'd been so long since she had seen him she was certain he wa...